Stone Column Basics ~ Geotechnical talks

Friday, January 23, 2009

Stone Column Basics

Vibro Replacement methods of construction of stone column through weak soil and filled up soil is basically used in order to increase the load bearing capacity of soil and reduce settlement characteristics. It provides an economical and technically sound solution of geotechnical and foundation problems. Other than taking care of bearing capacity of the soil, stone column is also sometimes used in order to reduce the Soil liquefaction potential of the soil.

For stone column construction vibrator is allowed to penetrate to the designed depth using its self weight with water pressure (Wet Method) or air pressure (dry method). Resulting cavity is filled up with stone which will be free of clay and silt fines. The filled up stones and surrounding soils is properly interacted and compacted in stages.

The stone column spacing and basic design is based on load applied, soil type and requirement of settlement. In general spacing of stone column varies from 1.2 to 3 meters.

The two methods of constructing Vibro replacement stone columns:
Wet method:
In this method boring is done using water pressure and simultaneously compaction is carried on.
Dry method: In this method boring is done using air pressure.


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