Monday, December 28, 2009

Dry Top Feed Vibro Replacement


Mundra Port Special Economic Zone Limited (MPSEZL), a subsidiary of Adani Group is developing a new port named west port at Mundra, Gujarat. The port will serve the purpose of supplying coal to Tata Power (4000 MW) and Adani Power (4620 MW) located near by. Various infrastructure facilities like jetties, coal stack yard with stacker reclaimer and various storage buildings is being developed in the port.

Soil condition:

The sub soil consists of loose to medium dense sand layer of thickness 6.5 m having SPTN value in the range of 12 to 20, this is followd by medium to dense sand layer having SPTN more than 30.


Dry top feed vibro replacement was proposed below the rails of stacker reclaimer (Ref: Fig 1) in order to mitigate liquefaction potential and overcome the problem of differential settlement. The site comes under sesimic zone 5 (AH = 0.36g).

Design Criteria:

Vibro replacement columns of nominal diameter of 600 mm were installed to a depth of 8 meters. An area replacement ratio of 16% was used.


Single column routine load test were performed for a loading of 10t/m2. The result was found well within permissible limit.

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